I received this email from a friend the other day, she had already told me about this before the email, but reading her email just really made me sit back and think about how much ministries like Compact Family Services are doing for so many young lives. Here is her email.
Dear Friends,
I have a burden on my heart today for the girls of Hillcrest Children’s Home; specifically those 12-17 yrs. old. In their short life these girls have already endured YEARS of abuse, emotionally and physically. Add to that fact they are growing up without the love and affection of a stable Christian family of their own.
Praise God for the ministry of Hillcrest!!
It was my privilege last week to meet with Ashley Grant. She actually serves as director at Highlands Maternity Home, but works closely with the Hillcrest girls as well.
A door has opened for special love, care and healing to be brought to 15 needy girls at Hillcrest. The Lord has connected Ashley with a wonderful massage therapist who herself was sexually abused as a young girl. She was sent to receive weekly neck and shoulder massage treatments that strengthened her muscle and cell memory AND retrained her not to carry stress in her body. As a result of this positive healing, she became a massage therapist herself. This is exactly the care we desire to provide for these girls.
Since this massage therapist has been through the same/similar experiences, she is anxious to make a real difference in their lives. She has offered a discounted price of $8 for 15minutes. Ashley’s goal/dream is to provide weekly sessions for all 15 girls.
I have offered to help raise 3 months worth of sessions for all 15. After this amount of time they can document progress of each. This is a brand new way to minister to these precious girls. They are just waiting on the funds to begin.
Here is the breakdown of cost:
- One girl per month is $32. One girl for 3 months: $96
- All 15 girls for one month is $480
- The total for all 15 girls for 3 months is $1,440. Really not that much.
THANK YOU for Prayerfully considering what God would have you do! We know the great need, now we have responsibility.
All gifts can be sent directly to:
Compact Family Services
2325 Malvern Ave.
Hot Springs, AR. 71901
Memo line: Massages
Or online at compactfamilyservices.org.
Choose Get Involved on the menu and then choose give.
Under the Bold Heading “Project Contributions”
Choose the Hillcrest Special Project Fund- 890063.
Note: Massages
Either way you choose to give, please email a confirmation of your gift amount to Ashley at: agrant@agfsa.org.
This is to ensure all donations are accounted for this project is quickly covered!
If you would be able to contribute to this project in any amount, I know that God will bless you for it! These girls are precious to God and they have a bright future ahead of them thanks to Compact Family Services and the Hillcrest Children’s Home.